

Thursday, March 10, 2011

'Kelopak' Laila dan 'Pertunangan Palsu' Jessica [Kenangan Sepanjang Masa]

Aku yakin, setiap insan di dunia ini pasti pernah memiliki satu kenangan yang amat sangat membekas dalam hati, hingga kenangan itu kekal meski usia terus berjalan. Kenangan tak pernah mengenal batasan, bahkan sebuah noktah yang tak berharga dapat menjadi satu kenangan indah bagi insan yang lain. Apalagi sebuah buku, yang kata orang buku adalah jendela hati. Dan jendela hatiku tetap setia menjaga kenangannya pada buku berikut ini.

Sebuah buku bisa memberikan pengaruh yang cukup besar bagi pembacanya, terutama pembaca seperti diriku, yang cengeng, rapuh dan sentimental. Ada satu buku yang pernah kubaca saat masih remaja ‘kinyis-kinyis’ dulu. Judul buku itu adalah ‘Kelopak-kelopak Yang Berguguran’ yang ditulis dengan sangat baik oleh Leila Salikha Chudori.

Begitu terkesannya diriku dengan buku tersebut hingga interpretasi yang kuciptakan sendiri tak lekang dimakan waktu, utuh hingga detik ini pun. Terkadang interpretasi itu berkembang jauh, hingga tipikal sosok perempuan dalam setiap cerita yang akan, dan telah kutulis nyaris tak jauh dari karakter utama dalam buku itu. Terlampau jauh bahkan, hingga aku merasa karakter itu adalah gambaran akan diriku sendiri. Karena aku merasa begitu sangat terwakili dengan setiap detil pada karakter yang digambarkan oleh sang penulis. Anak jaman sekarang, akan menyebutku… Lebay! Tapi itulah mengapa sejak awal sudah kusebutkan bahwa sebuah buku sekecil apapun fisik buku itu, ia dapat meninggalkan kesan mendalam yang kan terkenang sepanjang masa.

Ceritanya, apalagi kalau bukan tentang cinta, topik abadi yang tak kan lekang walau era berubah di tiap peradaban. Tapi buatku, Leila sangat lihai, amat piawai dalam memainkan hati remajaku yang mudah goyah oleh jalinan kata yang manis dan menggelitik.

Kalau tidak salah ingat (maklum, sudah lewat dua puluh tahunan sejak pertama kali aku membacanya), isinya tentang seorang gadis bernama Noni yang terpaksa harus tinggal dengan sahabat ayahnya sesuai pesan terakhir sang ayah sebelum wafat. Di rumahnya yang baru Noni kemudian bertemu dengan Greggy, putra dari sahabat ayahnya itu (Pak Maryono, barangkali namanya. Mau lihat referensi di Google malas, khawatir ide yang sedang menggelegak di kepala musnah seketika bila tidak segera dituangkan ^^). Intinya Noni kemudian pergi karena kehadirannya tidak disukai Greggy ditambah lagi dengan kecemburuan pacarnya Greggy. Tak dinyana Greggy terpukul dengan kepergiannya itu lalu blab la bla… lupa! (otakku perlu di-upgrade rupanya). Pokoknya asyik, kalau penasaran silahkan hunting, dan bila berhasil menemukan buku jadul itu, tolong hubungi aku, karena aku bersedia dengan suka cita untuk meminjamnya…^^
Ingin sekali bisa mengupas tuntas tentang novel pendek terfavoritku sepanjang masa itu. Namun karena referensinya mustahil kutemukan di jam-jam menjelang menina-bobokan anak-anakku, saat ini, maka menyesal sekali dan maaf cintaku, Mba Leila, aku hanya bisa menuliskan apa yang masih terkenang dan sanggup terekam oleh otak bodohku.

Dan bila ‘Kelopak-kelopak Yang Berguguran’ berhasil mengoyak kerapuhan hati remajaku, maka buku yang sanggup mengaduk masa dewasaku adalah (novel lagi nih!) buku yang ditulis oleh Jessica Hart, penulis kelahiran Afrika Barat yang beruntung sekali bisa travelling around the world, pernah loh ke Indonesia (sayang ngga mampir ke rumahku ^^).

Dulu sewaktu masih rutin mendapat upah, hasil kerjaku mencangkul di sebuah perusahaan multinasional, aku sering menghabiskan after office-ku di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di kotaku. Bukan ke café, lantas buka notebook, sibuk memelototi screen biru, sambil menikmati secangkir starbucks, bukan! Aku tidak sekeren itu. Lariku hanya satu, toko buku Gramd! Di situlah kutemukan sebuah buku mungil bertajuk ‘Temporary Engagement’.

Ceritanya tentang seorang gadis asal Inggris yang dipanggil Flora. Dia tak kuasa menolak bujukan sahabatnya, Paige untuk menggantikan tugasnya sebagai sekretaris pribadi atau PA (Personal Assistant) seorang multi jutawan bernama Matt, yang terkenal dengan kepribadiannya yang sulit, dan sampai saat ini hanya Paige yang mampu bertahan bekerja untuknya. Flora bersedia menerima pekerjaan itu karena gaji yang menggiurkan dan dengan pertimbangan situasi financial yang tengah mendesaknya, serta bujuk rayu Paige yang tak kuasa ditolaknya dengan mengatakan bahwa pekerjaan ini hanya sementara saja sampai ibunya Paige sembuh dari penyakit yang dideritanya. Dan tentu saja karena Paige tahu betul, Flora tidak akan pernah berminat mengambil alih posisinya, karena ambisi terbesar Flora adalah terbang menjelajahi setiap sudut di dunia.

Singkat cerita, seperti dikatakan dalam pepatah Jawa ‘witing tresno jalaran soko kulino’, Flora dan Matt saling jatuh meski dengan banyak kendala.

Sejak -Chapter One- hingga yang terakhir -Chapter Ten-, hatiku terus tak henti berdegup. Itu hal yang … Lebay? Bukan, itu karena synopsis dan feeling-ku yang biasanya lumayan tajam mengendus fiksi-fiksi romantis yang mendebarkan ^^. Aku bahkan melipat beberapa halaman, yang di dalamnya terdapat kalimat-kalimat yang sungguh mampu menciptakan gelegak tertentu dalam relung hati. Tujuannya agar tiap kali mood sedang meluncur turun, aku buka halaman itu. Lumayan bisa sejenak mengangkatku ke awang-awang ^^. Semangat lagi. Itulah pesona sebuah buku. (Ada yang nyeletuk; kok bukan kitab suci yang kau buka jika sekedar ingin mengobati hati?)

Mungkin akan lebih mengena dengan mengkonsumsi buku itu sendiri, karena penjelasanku pastilah tak kurang menonjolkan mutu. Tapi sedikit yang bisa kubagi dari beberapa yang membuatku ‘semriwiiing’, seperti berikut ini;

Chapter One:
Halaman 9, Matt tengah meng-interview Flora. Kekecewaannya di awal pertemuan berangsur melumer…
…Matt found himself looking into a pair of direct, dancing blue eyes and he was conscious of an odd jolt of surprise. Suddenly she didn’t look ordinary at all.
Kesan pertama memang tidak selalu menggoda. Terkadang butuh waktu untuk memperkaya pendalaman akan karakter seseorang. Tak kenal maka tak sayang… ^^

Chapter Two:
Halaman 24, masih dengan gayanya yang straight forward dalam berbicara, sambil ngobrol ngalor-ngidul dalam pesawat jet pribadi, Flora dan Matt tengah mengupas misi sukses mereka dalam menghadapi klien dari Perancis.
‘You know what I mean, ‘she said, brushing the detail side as unimportant. ‘You’ve got to fill a well-paid post for three months, and I need a job that pays well for three months. You need someone who speaks French; I speak French. She spread her hands expressively.
‘We’re made for each other, darling!’ she joked.
There was an odd little silence. Flora was sure she could bear her words echoing around the cabin…made for each other…made for each other, darling…’What a stupid thing to say!
‘In a manner of speaking,Flora buru-buru menambahi…
Aduh, aku tak pernah menahan senyum simpulku tiap membaca kalimat itu.

Chapter Three:
Halaman 49, debar-debar sehalus apapun itu, mulai menyusupi labirin di hati Flora…
… That was what Flora told herself, but as soon as Matt had gone she found herself – well, missing him. Somehow the office seemed muted and colorless without him. Whenever the phone rang she found herself hoping that it would be his voice at the other end, even if it was only to issue yet another stream of orders, and when he walked into the office three days later she was ridiculously pleased to see him…

Namun situasi berubah sulit ketika ibunda Matt datang, Matt harus berpura-pura bahwa Flora adalah tunangannya… (ya ya, sedikit mirip dengan drama korea atau sinteron kita, tapi yang ini dikemas dengan bahasa dan tutur yang ciamik ^^). Dan Flora terpaksa menerima situasi itu demi menyelamatkan muka di hadapan teman-teman semasa kuliahnya yang mengira Matt adalah pria yang akan dibawanya di acara reuni para alumni.

Chapter Four:
Halaman 78,
‘Why don’t you just tell your mother that you don’t believe in marriage?’
Because it wouldn’t be true. It’s because I believe in it that I won’t get married unless I’m sure I’ve found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’m not prepared to get married for the sake of it, only to get divorced a couple of years later if it doesn’t work out.
Not for the first time, Flora found herself wishing those cool eyes weren’t quite so keen. She shrugged, and concentrated on crumbling a roll between her fingers.
..... ‘At least I know you won’t get emotionally involved, ‘said Matt.
Flora looked down at the roll in her hands and suddenly realized that she didn’t want it. She dropped onto the side plate.

Chapter Five:
Flora memang bersedia pura-pura menjadi tunangan Matat di depan ibunya. Tapi ada galau yang menyesakkan hati yang tak dapat dihindari…

She couldn’t keep her eyes off his mouth, off his hands, off the line of his jaw and the breadth of his shoulders. He was near enough to touch. She could lean over and curl her fingers around his, and she had to keep her feet tucked behind her chair to stop them sliding suggestively against his legs. She tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but talking about where Matt might have kissed her only made her wonder what it would have been like if he had. What that cool, severe mouth have felt as exciting as it looked? Would she have leant against his hard body and felt his arms close around her?
Flora swallowed hard. She had to stop this!

Sampai suatu hari, tibalah hari dimana Flora akan datang ke acara reuni, bersama Matt seperti yang disombongkannya selama ini di hadapan teman-temannya itu.

Flora leant towards the mirror to put on her lipstick just as the door buzzed. Her heart lurched into her throat so suddenly that her hand jerked, smearing lipstick all over her cheek. Heart hammering, she searched frantically for a tissue to wipe it off, while along the corridor she could hear Sarah opening the door. Even though she was expecting it, the sound of Matt’s deed American voice made her freeze and her chest tightened in panic.
Her hand was shaking so much that she was left with a decidedly wavery line at her next attempt to put on her lipstick, but it was too late to do anything about it. Flora wiped her palms on her dress and forced herself to take a deep breath, before jerking open the bathroom door and walking straight down the corridor and into the sitting room before she had time to change her mind.
The first –the only—person she saw was Matt, sitting on the lumpy sofa, and she stopped dead. He looked devastating. The formal dinner jacket with a crisp white shirt and bow-tie threw his severe dark feature and pale eyes into striking relief, and as he got to his feet Flora was so overwhelmed by the sight of him suddenly there that she forgot to breathe.

Dimly she was aware of Jo saying something, but she didn’t even notice the others. She was conscious only of Matt, of his height, of the hard solidity of his body, of the smile that seemed to reach inside her and squeeze her heart.

‘Flora…,’Matt’s voice sounded as if it was coming from somewhere outside him. After the last few weeks of being annoyed by the way Flora’s image kept distracting him at the most inappropriate moments, he was still totally unprepared for the way she looked. He had grown accustomed to the demure, rather dull clothes she had worn in the office since his scathing moments about her outfit on the plane. He was used to the way she pulled her hair sensibly away from her face, unlike the first time he had seen her when the wind had tangled it into a haphazard mess.
He had never seen her like this before, her eyes huge and dark and blue, her hair falling in a tumble of gold and honey to her shoulders, vibrant in s shimmering dress that revealed he warmth of her skin and the fullness of her breasts and the heart-shaking line of her throat.

Jo and Sarah regarded her with affectionate amusement.
‘We’ve never seen Flora in love like this before!, ‘Sarah told Matt. ‘She even tidied the sitting room for you, and now she can’t even talk… It must be serious!’
Flora squirmed on the sofa, her face afire. If this terrible evening ever ended, she would kill her friend! She could feel Matt watching her profile.
‘I hope so, ‘Matt said softly.

As if pulled by some invisible force, Flora’s head turned to face him. He was smiling, and the green eyes were warmer than she had ever seen them before. They held hers for a timeless moment while the chatter and the laughter faded around them and left them marooned on the sofa, where nothing existed but the feel of his fingertips smoothing tantalizingly over her back and the sound of her heart booming in her ears.

Cerita tentang Matt dan Flora saat berada ballroom, dan bagaimana keduanya sepakat membangkitkan kecemburuan Seb, mantan pacar Flora, atau tentang bagaimana sulitnya mengendalikan perasaan yang sesungguhnya di antara dua manusia dewasa itu…, dituturkan dengan sangta lembut oleh Jessica. Entah karena ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang interpretasinya bisa seluas samudra bila dibandingkan dengan terjemahan yang kadang tidak tepat, kurang mengena, ataukah aku yang memang… lebay? Tapi sungguh tak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa dengan style-nya sendiri, Jessica benar-benar mampu menggiring pembacanya kepada halimun yang menghanyutkan. Tidak vulgar, tidak kasar, tidak jorok, tidak parno, dan yang pasti urusan asmara antara dua manusia dewasa benar-benar dikemasnya dengan apik.

Belum lagi, ketika ibu Matt benar-benar hadir di hadapan keduanya, sehingga tak ayal lagi, kepura-puraan itu tak terelakkan berubah menjadi suatu keharusan berakting layaknya dua kekasih yang saling jatuh cinta. Yang lucu adalah ketika Nell, ibu Matt, sejak awal sebenernya sudah mengendus gelagat yang tidak semestinya antara putranya Matt dengan Flora, namun berlagak kura-kura dalam perahu, dengan harapan bahwa akting palsu itu kelak menjelma menjadi jalinan asmara yang sesungguhnya.

Chapter Six:
Di sini banyak hal menarik untuk diungkapkan, tapi aku khawatir text-nya akan dianggap ‘amerika sekali’ oleh pembaca yang agamis. Untuk konsumsi pribadi memang sah-sah saja. Tapi kalau melibatkan khalayak, memang harus disikapi dengan bijak. Jadi maaf, bila tidak dapat seutuhnya mengutip cerita tentang romansa Matt dan Flora dalam text asli.

Sedikit yang dapat kuringkas adalah cerita tentang Flora yang terpaksa harus menginap di rumah Matt, demi menegaskan akting mereka di depan Nell. Dan momen-momen yang serba kikuk dan lucu saat keduanya berada dalam satu kamar, tentu seiring kerling mata Nell yang awas, jeli dan penuh selidik.

Chapter Seven:
Apa bumbu dari sebuah kisah asmara kalau bukan rasa cemburu yang membakar. Di chapter ini, Flora dilanda cemburu berat akan mantan pacar Matt yang seorang fotomodel terkenal, Venezia. Demikian juga Matt yang terbakar dengan anggapan bahwa Flora masih menyimpan Seb dalam kehidupannya. Cemburu yang sungguh seru. Sakit tapi nikmat. Nikmat dalam sakit. Panas tapi tak mau beranjak. Hatiku bahkan nyaris tersulut oleh apinya, kalau tidak buru-buru kuteguk air dingin satu jar penuh! ^^

Chapter Eight:
Untuk lebih meyakinkan ibunya, Matt kian disudutkan pada keadaan yang mengharuskannya berakting lebih, meski dirinya dan Flora masih dirundung kecewa, marah, dan cemburu.
‘I think I’d better get you a ring today, ‘Matt broke the silence on their way to work the next morning. I get the feeling Mother’s not quite as convinced by our engagement as she pretends to be. Maybe a few diamonds will do the trick.’

‘I’ll give it back to you as soon as your mother goes, of course, ‘Flora made herself say when were outside once more.
‘That ring is absolutely gorgeous. You’re a lucky girl, Flora, ‘Nell was twinkling across the table at Flora.
‘I hope she’s thanked you properly?’ Nell was teasing Matt, and, succumbing to temptation, he brushed his thumb along Flora’s jaw.

‘Now you come to mention it, I don’t think she has, ‘Matt said softly, and allowed himself to look deep into the warm blue eyes. They might have been alone together in the room. ‘Do you really like it?’ asked her, and Flora could almost believe that it mattered to him.

‘I love it, ‘she said. ‘Thank you.’
And then, because the words sounded pitifully inadequate, because it was what a real fiancée would do, because it was what she really wanted to do, Flora lifted her hand to his cheek, then let her fingers slide to his neck so that, when she leant into him, she could tug his head down and kiss him.

She meant just to press her lips to the side of his mouth, but once there she couldn’t bear to let him go, and then Matt turned his head and their lips met with a shock of feeling that was part thrill, part recognition, a bizarre sense of familiarity, as if they had been stumbling around in the dark and had at last found their way back to where the belonged.

Matt’s mouth felt so warm, so sure, so exciting, so right that Flora melted into his kiss, her hand creeping round to the nape of his neck to pull him closer, and when they broke for breath they could stare at each other, shaken off balance by the piercing sweetness they had shared.

Nell was looking very satisfied.

Kemudian Nell yang semula berencana tinggal lebih lama bersama Matt, tiba-tiba memutuskan pergi ke Italy menemui koleganya. Berharap proses selanjutnya dapat berjalan lebih alami yang kan membuat keduanya benar-benar jatuh cinta, bukan terdesak karena sebuah perjanjian.

They had both done such a good job of pretending to ignore the tension that had been simmering between them since that heart-shaking kiss in the restaurant. It hadn’t been hostile or snappy, like before, but more of tingling awareness of every move the other made. The laughter had shattered it, but now here it was again, gathering strength, strumming over their skin and pulsing through their veins.

‘Well…’Matt forced himself to look away first. ‘It looks as if it’s just us this evening. Would you like to go out to dinner?’

‘I’m not really hungry, ‘said Flora truthfully.
‘Nor am I’. There was another awkward pause, and then, inevitably, they both spoke at the same time.

‘I might -------‘
‘Perhaps -------‘
They both stopped. ‘You first, ‘said Matt.
‘I was just going to say that I might have a shower, ‘she said hesitantly. ‘If that’s all right with you?’
‘Of course, ‘Matt looked around him as if in search of inspiration. ‘I was going to offer you a drink, and then I thought I might do some work. I’ve got some reports I need to read. You could watch television, if you wanted.’

The air was so charged with electricity that Flora felt as if every breath set off a chain of tiny sparks. The silence between them was intense, and she was sure that Matt would be able to hear her body beating, aching, thundering with desire. She would explode if she had to sit here any longer!

Unable to stand the tension, Flora got jerkily to her feet. ‘I…… I think I’ll go to bed, ‘she said, appalled to hear how high and strained her voice sounded.
Matt rose instinctively to face her. ‘Isn’t it your book any good?’
‘I…… can’t concentrate on it, ‘she said breathlessly.
‘I can’t concentrate either, ‘said Matt.
‘Oh?’ managed Flora rather waveringly.
‘Do you want to know why?’
‘Why?’ she whispered, as hope began to drum along her veins at the expression in his eyes, and the space around them shrank until there was just the two of them and a need that was too insistent to be ignored any longer.
‘Because I can’t stop thinking about what it felt like to kiss you today, ‘said Matt, his voice so deep it sent reverberations through her. ‘Because I can’t stop thinking about kissing you again.’

Flora couldn’t speak. She felt as if all the air had been sucked out of her body, as if the floor beneath her feet had cracked apart and the slightest movement would send her tumbling into an abyss that was at once terrifying and tantalizing and utterly irresistible.

All she could do was look back at Matt, and, reading the answering need in her face, he walked, very slowly, towards her. Slowly he reached out, and slowly he tugged the cardigan from her shoulders and won, until it fell unheeded in a soft, crumpled pile behind her.
‘But then I think that it wouldn’t be a good idea after all, ‘he went on softly although his hands were drifting back up her bare arms, his fingers caressing the warmth of her skin. He could feel Flora quivering beneath his touch. ‘What do you think?’ he asked her wickedly.

‘We should forget this, then, ‘said Matt in her ear.
‘I know, ‘Flora whispered against his temple.
‘We should stop, ‘she breathed, and felt the crease in his cheek as he smiled again.
‘The only thing is, ‘he said huskily, just brushing her mouth with his own, ‘the thing is, Flora… I don’t think I can stop now!’
‘I’ll stop if you want, though, Flora, ‘he whispered. ‘Is that what you want?’

She should say yes. She should push herself away from him before she was utterly lost. Yes – that was all she had to say.
‘No, ‘she said, putting her arms around his waist and succumbing at last to the terrible temptation to lean against him for support.
‘No, I don’t want you to stop.’

Chapter Nine:
Sedikit rintangan di tengah kecamuk cinta yang membara antara Matt dan Flora. Matt yang seorang tycoon tak luput dari pemberitaan media yang kadang sengaja mengesampingkan realita. Dan tentunya tak ada rahasia di dunia ini, sekecil apapun rahasia itu. Persoalan datang ketika akhirnya pertunangan palsu itu diketahui Nell, yang sebenarnya sudah tahu tapi berharap itu berakhir nyata, namun media telanjur membocorkannya. Dan itu sedikit banyak terjadi akibat ulah Seb yang masih memendam rasa kepada Flora.

Chapter Ten:
Prasangka seringkali membutakan logika. Demikian yang terjadi pada Matt. Prasangka akan persekongkolan Flora dan Seb atas masalah yang jor-joran menjadi headline di seluruh Inggris Raya. Cemburu buta, dan phobia-nya akan cinta yang berujung kepahitan membuatnya tak dapat berpikir jernih, bahkan seorang tycoon adalah manusia juga, yang bisa blank saat dihadapkan pada masalah hati.

Sudahlah yaa, pokoknya happy ending deh. Ya ya, oke, oke, aku tetap lanjut deh. Jadi singkatnya Flora merasa tersakiti hatinya, terus pergi menurutkan kata hatinya untuk keliling dunia. Tiket pesawatnya menuju sebuah pulau di New Zealand, tapi baru transit dari Bandara Soetta, tau-tau seseorang menepuk pundaknya…

‘Flora!’ There was someone beside her, a hand touching her arm.

Flora froze. It sounded like Matt, but it couldn’t be him…could it? She turned her head slowly, fearfully, bracing herself for the blow of discovering that it wasn’t him at all, and her heart stopped. There he stood, tall and dark and powerful. The same uncannily light green eyes, the same fierce brows, the same cool, severe mouth that had turned her bones to honey. No one else had a mouth like that.
It was Matt. It was him!

‘Matt? ‘Flora’s voice was barely more than a thread, and her knuckles stood out white where she gripped the trolley for support in a world that suddenly staggered around her.
‘Wh-what are you doing here?’ she moistened her lips.

‘I had to see you, ‘said Matt, oblivious to the fact that they were standing right in the middle of the exit and that other passengers were having to manoeuvre their trolleys past them with difficulty.
‘I had to explain, to apologize ----‘ He broke off and closed his eyes in defeat.
‘God, I just had to see you, ‘he admitted. ‘I’ve missed you so much, Flora. I had to see you and tell you how much I loved you.’

Weyy..he he he he…. Benar kan happy ending?

‘I love you, I love you, I love you, ‘he told her in a ragged voice. ‘I can’t believe I’m holding you again at last. It’s all I’ve thought about since you walked out that day. I’ve come halfway round the world to find you, Flora, ‘he said. ‘Say you love me too’

‘I do, I do, ‘Flore wept, kissing his throat, his jaw, any bit of him she could reach.

Wuuu…huh huh … begitu deh. Apa? Masih mau lagi ? Sudah selesai, Bro. Habis tu mereka berdua ngga jadi kemana-mana, karena pesawat yang ke New Zealand juga udah take-off. Cinta keduanya pun berlabuh di jembatan Ancol. Ngapain ke New Zealand, kata Matt. Di sono lagi gempa, udeh sini aje, nyang deketan…. Wekekekekeke.kkkkkk….

Thank you for reading!

(Maret dini hari; demi penulis pujaan hati ^^)


Gelasan Tiga Saudara said...

Maaf bu, saya tidak baca semuanya.. he he he.. takut pengen beli novelnya. toko buku nya jauh... he he he

Beauty Star said...

Hi hi hi... pake sepeda dong, ntar nyesel loh tidak baca sendiri. Ini kisah roman yang bisa menjadi semacam 'vitamin' buat kesegaran jia...ha ha ha...

Terima kasih ya Mas Parta Winata sudah berkenan singggah. Maaf ni belum sempet mampir ke 'rumah' (blog-maksudnya), speedynya angin2nan!

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